
XIAO Qinghe 学术活动评论101字数 1312阅读4分22秒阅读模式

宗教与社会研究高级讲坛第141516次活动于9151617日成功举行。此三次活动是系列讲座,由意大利都灵大学文学系教授、香港道风山汉语基督教文化研究所特邀教授Ermis Segatti教授主讲。








后两次活动由肖清和博士主持,历史系博士生、研究生以及来自其他院系的本科生等20余人参与了后两次活动,并与Segatti 教授互动。








Christianity and the Roman Empire


Roman civilization was characterized by a specific religious tradition, that met no relevant difficulty to accept and even to harbour the religions worshipped by peoples inside its huge geographical empire, among them also the Hebrew religion, the basic reference of the emerging Christianity. The first part of the lecture discusses the reasons why Christianity since the very origin was not tolerated and sentenced to be out of law, even though the penal consequences were not permanently put into practice. The second part will highlight the reactions and the arguments of the Christian apologists in defence of what they claimed to be a loyal standpoint in front of the state.and also their critical appraisal of the Roman religious tradition as well as  of all other 'pagan' traditions. The last part of the lecture will try to explain how and to what extent, after three centuries of religious and cultural struggle, Christianity was definitely accepted and became the major spiritual inspiration of the empire itself and  of the surrounding cultures.


Secularization in Western Countries

A current interpretation of this phenomenon maintains that that it goes back to the whole development of Christianity and Western society since many centuries ago. Accepting this general standpoint, the lecture will stress in particular three main roots: a) some specific characters of the Christian faith itself as a permanent element that stimulate a secularized view of society and cosmos, b) some specific characters of the development of the Western modern societies that supposed both to replace or to reshape the Christian heritage, however maintaining some ties with its tradition; some specific trends of contemporary Western societies that suppose either to have definitively ousted any religious appeal and necessity or to can afford a new perspective of the religious dimension which has no more relation with Christianity. Christian traditions, however, seems to show an interesting capacity not only of surviving the secularized era being already inculturated in it, but to became the point of reference for its spiritual future too.


Christianity and the New Religious Movements

An introductory section of the lecture will discuss which are their main trends and by which criteria they are understood and maybe classified. The central part of the lecture treats some of them, taken as examples of rather distant characteristics, namely 1) a New Christian Revelation (The Mormons), 2) the Religion Beyond any Religion of the world to come (The New Age), 3) the Religion without Faith (The civil religion). This short specimen of the wide-ranging horizon of the New Religious Movements will consent to stress some specific moves of today's Christianity in response to their presence, taken into account that these Movements do themselves represent already a reaction to the Christian tradition.


Ermis SegattiSegatti为意大利都灵大学文学系教授,香港道风山汉语基督教文化研究所特邀教授,研究兴趣包括古代经典、德国文学与早期基督教。2006年开始来中国浙江大学、复旦大学等高校讲学。出版专著10部。)

讲座情况 学术活动


  暑期天很热,这几天北京都在32度,上海高达40度,人也比较少。讲座从2点到4点,稍微延迟了一会,内容与明清天主教经典翻译有关。宋老师娓娓道来、趣味横生,非常有启发意义。 几点内容:明清天...


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
